Environmental Awareness
Below are some links to other organisations interested in the environment and environmental education.
Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre
This is a Department of Education facility that provides environmental education to schools. The website provides many resources related to the local area.
Community Environment Network
The Trust is a member of this umbrella group of local environmental interests.
Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre
This is a Department of Education facility that provides environmental education to schools. The website provides many resources related to the local area.
Community Environment Network
The Trust is a member of this umbrella group of local environmental interests.
Green Dates
5-11 May International Composting Awareness Week “Better Soil, Better Life, Better Future”
11 May World Migratory Bird Day
22 May International Day For Biological Diversity Water and biodiversity
5 June World Environment Day
8 June World Oceans Day
15 June Global Wind Day
17 June World Day To Combat Desertification & Drought
5-11 May International Composting Awareness Week “Better Soil, Better Life, Better Future”
11 May World Migratory Bird Day
22 May International Day For Biological Diversity Water and biodiversity
5 June World Environment Day
8 June World Oceans Day
15 June Global Wind Day
17 June World Day To Combat Desertification & Drought